
Emergency rally with EU leaders: Release the Israeli hostages

OÙ : UE Quarter - Place du Luxembourg
QUAND : 11 octobre, 2023 16:45

EN – Thousands of families have been destroyed. The dead will not return, now we must do everything to bring back the hostages. Over 100 civilians (according to estimates) were kidnapped from their beds and are held hostage in Gaza by blood-thirsty barbarians. Children are watching their mothers being raped, tortured, murdered. 
We have to speak up. We have to bring the Israeli hostages back.

The Brussels Secular Jewish Community Centre (CCLJ) in collaboration with several Jewish and non-Jewish associations and NGOs will hold an emergency rally with EU/ NATO leaders.

The rally calls on the international community to put pressure for the immediate release of the Israelis kidnapped into Gaza, including babies, children, women, men, and elderly on Saturday 7 October.

Confirmed participants:

Shira Havron, Israeli citizen, of whom six family members were kidnapped by Hamas
Jonathan Guttman, his cousin was kidnapped on 7.10 into Gaza.

European Commission Executive Vice President Maroš Šefčovič
European Parliament Vice President Marc Angel
Member of European Parliament Róża Thun
Member of European Parliament Jan-Christophe Oetjen
Member of European Parliament Karima Delli

Also Invited :

President of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen
President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola,
VP/HR CFSP Joseph Borrell
NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg,
European Commission Vice President Margaritis Schinas,
Vice President Věra Jourová
Commissioner Ylva Johansson,
Katharina von Schnurbein, EU Coordinator for the fight against Antisemitism
Ambassadors to NATO,
European Ambassadors to the EU


Hostage taking of civilians and persons not taking or no longer taking part in the hostilities is prohibited in international humanitarian law (common article 3 to the Geneva Conventions as well as Article 34 of the fourth Geneva Convention and in both Additional Protocols to the Geneva Convention ) and is considered to be part of customary international humanitarian law. It is also considered a war crime


Rally on wednesday (October 11) at 4.45pm - Place du Luxembourg

FR – Les événements de ces derniers jours en Israël ne peuvent pas nous laisser sans voix.
Rassemblons-nous pour dénoncer la barbarie, soutenir le peuple israélien et demander la libération de la centaine d’otages détenus à Gaza.

Des milliers de familles ont été détruites. Des enfants ont vu leur parents être torturés et mourir devant leurs yeux. Des parents attendent des nouvelles de leurs enfants portés disparus.

Faisons porter notre voix. 

Rassemblement ce mercredi 11 octobre à 16h45 - Place du Luxembourg

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